Adding Medium Blogs to Personal Site

A quick how-to on adding your blogs to a personal site.

Karina Guerra
3 min readJun 18, 2021

It is highly suggest that every software engineer should have their own portfolio site to display their projects and hard work. Along with a section for your projects, you should also have a section for any blogs you written up! When I started working on my portfolio site, I had a lot of difficulty adding my medium blogs. I need a solution that would automatically update my site with new blog post.

Unfortunately, Medium is hard to work with. I searched all over the internet looking for help and solutions. Some were outdated and others were too unnecessarily complicated. However I found one solid solution that works for me. Using an API, we can convert an our blog’s rss feed to JSON. Lets break it down!


Lets get started!


First, we need to covert our post to a format that we can read and fetch from, meaning we need a JSON format of our posts. So how do we do that?

Well just head over to this helpful site: This site uses an API to convert your RSS feed into JSON.

When you go to the site, you will see a section where you need to post your url. To get your RSS feed url, you need to copy and paste your profile url and add “/feed” at the end. So it will look like either: https://medium/@[username]/feed or https://[Your Custom Domain]/feed.

After entering your url, just click the button below and you should see something like this.

Using the JSON

Once a site is entered, the site gives us a link that we can use to access our JSON blog feed. It will be located right below the button.

By clicking on the site, you will be see your JSON. Make note of all attributes and properties that you can access. Note: the JSON will only show your 10 most recent blogs.

Make Fetches

With our new url, we can simply make a fetch request to get our blogs. Here is a quick reminder if need a refresher on how to make a fetch request.

Simply add your url in the place of the example url and parse the data in the way that you want.


And that is it! This is just one way you can your blogs to your own site. I hope this has helped you! Happy coding!



Karina Guerra

Salvadoreña exploring the world of coding. Petting animals and building things that help people and the environment are my two biggest passions :) Based in NYC.